First and foremost, it thoroughly explains the details of the classification of knowledge studied as a student of Economics. Here is a question for you!

“If you study economics, what do you study?”

Many people talk about economics, but they don’t understand the nature of economics. Some say that the economy is synonymous with money, the economy is business, the economy is trade/sale of goods, the economy is circulation of money in the bank, and so on. Undoubtedly, even though all the things mentioned above are related to the world of economics, but only from a narrow perspective. It does not accurately define the basic nature of economics. Particularly, BS economics and finance scope in Pakistan is at a vast scale (such as the scale of countries and the international world) is called macroeconomics, which is broad and general in scope.

What students will get acquainted with while studying macroeconomics?

  • Inflation/deflation rate
  • Gross Domestics Product (GDP)
  • BI interest rates
  • Currency exchange rates
  • Money supply

And a lot more, but these are the basic things students will come across.

Industrial Perspective of Economics and Finance:

In addition to this, from an industrial perspective, the subjects discussed below are also more specific, such as:

  • Marketing strategies.
  • How to manage finances in a business.
  • Operational/production processes, etc.

Obviously, studies like this are known as microeconomics because the scope is narrow but deep. In both macro and microeconomics, the main problem is the same, which is the insufficiency of resources.

Without a doubt, BS Economics and Finance can be interpreted as a science that studies strategies/ways to manage limited resources (natural resources, capital (money), time, people, etc.) to meet unlimited human needs (and desires).

Clearly, in BS Economics and Finance, students focus on these subjects with others, namely Economics and Finance, Management, and Accounting. These central certainly have their own focus, and the skills emphasized in each department are also different.

Whereas the point is that Economics focuses more on macroeconomics, while the portion on microeconomics is less. Along with Finance, that helps in managing the money for certain expenditures in the organization.

ICMS degree and its BS Economic and Finance scope in Pakistan:

Learners in ICMS learn various techniques during their degree in Economics and Finance. The degree of ICMS is HEC recognized and also recognized at the international level. This gives a great benefit to its learners as they learn international techniques as well from their foreign faculty during the educational time span.

Students will study various policies that need to be taken by the state for economic improvement to make the analysis of large-scale industrial decisions. Even so, through algebraic expression and mathematical equations, learners can carry out research, predictions, and estimates regarding economic conditions based on existing data, which results from the data processing, to draw conclusions about which policies should be taken by policymakers.

Subsequently, the graduates of Bs economics and Finance range from research on making appropriate economic policies based on the country’s economic conditions. At that time, the ability to analyze and predict what economic conditions (national and global) will be in the future.

BS Economics and finance scope in Pakistan, and it focuses on:

  • International Economics
  • Public Economics
  • Regional Economy
  • Monetary Economics
  • Economic development
  • Industrial Economics
  • Natural Resource & Environmental Economics
  • Human Resource Economics

Whereas every institute has a different subject focus, and it can have slightly different names. From the terms of the subjects, students can imagine what they learn. For International Economics, of course, the focus will be on economic activities and policies related to the international world, such as exports, imports, international economic cooperation, and international payment transactions. Likewise, the study and techniques of the different subjects vary according to the name.

Focusing on the Bs Economics and Finance scope in Pakistan, students learn economics and Finance together because they both work simultaneously in strategy-making for an organization.

Additionally, Finance is a field of study that focuses on understanding the financial decisions of companies and individuals and the structure and operation of institutions and markets. Importantly, this major is essential for anyone wishing to pursue a career in the financial services industry, including:

  • Banking
  • Broking
  • Investment management

Studying Finance is also beneficial for anyone generally interested in business and is valuable from a personal perspective, like starting their own business.

It should be noted that while studying Finance, students will learn about how capital markets work, what the learner of Finance needs to know to work in them, and be exposed to a high level of market-specific knowledge that blends theory with current relevant practice.

Concentrations to focus on during the degree:

While following BS economics and Finance scope in Pakistan, clearly, students will get to know the following concentrations they focus on during their degree:

  • Economics for Business Decision Making
  • Quantitative Business Analysis
  • Corporate Finance I & II
  • Finance in Practice
  • Investments and Portfolio Management
  • Alternative Investments
  • Applied Portfolio Management A
  • Applied Portfolio Management B
  • Bank Financial Management
  • Behavioural Finance
  • Derivative Securities
  • Finance Theory
  • Financial Valuation: Case Study Approach
  • Financial Risk Management
  • Fixed Income Securities
  • Industry and Community Project
  • International Financial Management
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Personal Finance and Superannuation
  • Real Estate Finance
  • Trading and Dealing in Security Markets

NOTE: Subject’s name and courses may vary from institute to institute.

Job opportunities for the students of BS Economics and Finance in Pakistan:

  • Financial adviser.
  • Financial analyst.
  • Financial consultants.
  • Financial planning.
  • Funds management.
  • Investment bankers.
  • Managing companies.
  • Market analyst.
  • Wealth management.

There are so many job options for the students who adopt the degree of BS in Economics and Finance, especially those who attain the degree from ICMS.

To sum up, economics and finance studies will have strong engagement with practitioners and regulators, local and international, and have research activities spanning all areas of Finance and economics in a firm. Definitely, this ensures that the student-focused curriculum remains highly relevant to the students pursuing their careers in Finance and economics.

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